Biking the Scottish Highlands
Out of Glasgow, hightailing it to the Highlands on a steed propelled by an organic two-stroke engine. Ascending along the shore of Loch Lomond, then traversing the treacherous Rannoch Moor to the magnificent descent into Glen Coe and eventually spit out into the Great Glen. There was a harrowing sprint beside Loch Ness outrunning the foul breath and razor teeth of the Loch Ness monster, to land safely in Inverness: cradle of civilization. An excursion to the field of Culloden was made before venturing towards Aberdeenshire and a tribal gathering. The musical accompaniment is A B Corsie (The Lad from Orkeny) - Ril Bheara - Richard Dwyer's Reels by Silly Wizard. *NOTE: Nessie declined to make an appearance, as he's awaiting a call from Scorcese.
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