Saturday, January 03, 2009

Argentina - Tilcara to Iruya

Northwest Argentina ...continued. Heading north out of Salta for a brief stay in Tilcara. Then on to the nice adobe town of Humahuaca - despite being overlooked by a huge kitschy sculpture. Another day was spent trekking the back roads in search of a lost pre-Columbian archaeology site, while stalked by feral cacti. It remains lost, though we evaded the prickly situation. Northwards again until the bus made a right off the main drag (screech!) onto an unsealed road. We rattled up, over and down, down to the end of the line, Iruya. A peaceful town nestled in a spectacular sheer valley. The musical accompaniment is Aguaplano by Paolo Conte and Taki Rock from "La Meilleure Sélection Des Andes".

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